Michael Crochetière - Writer, Director
Her perfect dad JACK sails off without her, leaving CLARA alone with her distraught mom BLANCHE in a run down cabin by the sea. So Clara summons UKI, a shape-shifting bird to replace her as she embarks on an odyssey with the elusive BEN, a kid version of her father. Their not-so-good ship Bouncy encounters unearthly islands, Jack’s crows and a rogue whale en route to discovering the truth about Clara’s father. Meanwhile, Blanche gradually embraces Uki’s challenge to evolve into the reliable, caring mom that Clara needs. CLARA ON THE CURVE OF THE EARTH explores the experience of grief through the eyes of an eight-year old, as she navigates her way through parental fictions, on a mission to reunite her disintegrating family. The script will be completed in 2025. A five-page synopsis and a 12-page treatment are available upon request.